Academic staff of the Federation have contributed greatly to the wider theological research community over more than forty years. Research in the Federation is excitingly varied and its results appear in very different ways: books and academic journals to be sure, but also in art exhibitions, on the radio, in the support and formation of the work of aid agencies, in resources for our churches and classrooms and chaplaincies, and across the globe.
This page introduces some examples of that diversity, by spotlighting some recent projects begun or completed. These are only a small insight into the rich and thriving work of our collected staff; details of individuals’ work are linked to in their profiles.
We continue to reflect on how best to support, enhance and enrich the research life of the Federation. To give just one illustration, we have convened a global advisory board, chaired by Lord (Rowan) Williams, now Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, and previously Archbishop of Canterbury and professor at both Cambridge and Oxford, but also a one time teacher and researcher within the Federation at Westcott House.