The Federation employs a small staff team to provide administrative and library support.

Charlotte BentleyUniversity Liaison Officer (Durham)

Charlotte is responsible for all aspects of administration of the Common Awards delivered by the Cambridge Theological Federation, and is the key contact with Durham University for these programmes. She is seconded to the CTF from her post as Taught Programmes Officer at Ridley Hall.

Gavin ClarkeIT Assistant

Gavin studied Mathematics before embarking on a long and slightly varied career in IT, the computers are much smaller and faster now.  He once worked on a computer system that appears with Tom Baker (The Fourth Doctor) in an advertisement.  In his spare time he likes to be walking, running, gardening or reading P G Wodehouse, although not necessarily in that order.  He enjoys the Botanic Gardens and enthusiastically encourages you to visit them as often as you can.

Photograph of Chris Grogan

Dr Chris GroganHead of Information Services

Chris joined the Federation in September 2016 and is responsible for the organisation and running of the CTF libraries and their relationship with the University Library. After completing a Ph.D. on the music of Edward Elgar, Chris began his library career at Royal Holloway, University of London, where he was Library Services Manager, prior to moving to Suffolk in 2003 to become the Librarian, then the Director of Collections and Heritage, at the Britten-Pears Foundation. Chris is married with two daughters, a son and a bichon frise and spends most of his spare time helping with the children’s homework.

Chris MortimerIT Manager

Chris joined the Federation in 2024 and is responsible for the day-to-day running of many of the Federation’s computer systems. He also works for Wesley House, Westminster College and the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies.

Photograph of Jane Sinnett-Smith

Jane Sinnett-SmithDigital Library Assistant

Jane is the CTF Digital Library Assistant. She joined the CTF team in August 2022 and assists with the running and delivery of digital library services to staff and students. Jane has a PhD in medieval French literature, in which her research focused on the use of relics and sacred objects in vernacular saints’ lives. She has also taught French literature and language, worked in a bookshop, and been a tour guide for a language school. In her spare time she enjoys reading (of course!), cooking, walking in the countryside, and attempting to keep pot plants alive.

Caroline StaffertonHead of Central Services

Caroline Stafferton is the Head of Central Services.

Photograph of The Rev Dr Andrew Todd

The Rev Dr Andrew ToddSenior Lecturer and Director of the Professional Doctorate in Practical Theology

Andrew came to Anglia Ruskin University and the Cambridge Theological Federation from Sarum College in Salisbury, where he coordinated the Centre for Contemporary Spirituality. Prior to that, he set up and ran the Cardiff Centre for Chaplaincy Studies. He is a practical theologian and ethnographer. Andrew’s research interests in chaplaincy have given rise to two complementary areas of research. One has to do with the interaction of religion/spirituality and public policy. The other has to do with the reshaping of religion/spirituality in the contemporary world, including the development of new rituals; and the theological implications of such developments. As well as running the Professional Doctorate in Practical theology, he liaises between Anglia Ruskin University and the Cambridge Theological Federation, in support of their partnership to deliver both research degrees and MAs.

Andrew is married and has three children and two grandchildren (some of whom live near Cambridge). He is glad to be back in the Cambridge Theological Federation, having previously worked for the East Anglian Ministerial Training Course (now ERMC). Having grown up in Cumbria, he still escapes to the mountains from time to time.

Photograph of Gwilym Tudur

Gwilym TudurAdministrator

Gwilym is the Federation’s Academic Administrator and joined the staff team in September 2023. Originally from south Wales, Gwilym studied Welsh and history at Aberystwyth and theology at Oxford before serving as pastor of two churches in Ceredigion. As well as working for the Federation, he is also completing a part-time PhD at the University of Cambridge focusing on the development of Reformed theology in Wales. He is married to Alexandra and enjoys reading sci-fi novels, watching Marvel movies, and learning the Romanian language.

Kate WilliamsUniversity Liaison Officer (ARU)

Kate read History at Newnham and qualified as a solicitor. She then took a break to care for her three children. Away from work, she looks after her allotment and is still trying to train Pepper, her cocker spaniel, to do some weeding.