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All students on taught programmes, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, must be a member of one of the Federation’s member institutions. You should note that not all member institutions admit students to all of our degree programmes; please read on for further information.

You should contact the Admissions Tutor/Director of Studies of the member institution which most interests you and they will advise you on your programme and on the application process. Although different member institutions are grounded in different denominations, being a member of that tradition is not a condition of admission to any of our degrees.

Once you know the programme to which you will be applying, complete the relevant programme application (see the Application forms section below to download) and submit it to the Director of Studies at your chosen member institution.

The Eastern Region Ministry Course has a separate admissions procedure. Please go to their website for information.


How to Apply

Click here to download the application form [MS Word]

  • Foundation Award in Theology, Ministry and Mission
  • Certificate of Higher Education in Theology, Ministry and Mission (CertHE)
  • Diploma of Higher Education in Theology, Ministry and Mission (DipHE)
  • BA (Hons) in Theology, Ministry and Mission
  • Graduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry and Mission (GradDip)
  • Postgraduate Certificate  in Theology, Ministry and Mission (PGCert)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Theology, Ministry and Mission (PGDip)
  • MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission (MA)
  1. Ordinands are usually assigned to one of the member institutions. Others should contact the member institution of your choice to discuss your interest with the Director of Studies.
  2. Email your application to the Director of Studies at your chosen member institution along with any supporting documents they request.
  3. You will be interviewed by the member institution, following which your application will be submitted to the admissions team.
  4. We will confirm the admission team’s decision and, hopefully, make you an offer.

Our degrees validated by Durham University are offered through the following three of our member institutions.

Institution Contact
Ridley Hall academic-team@ridley.cam.ac.uk
Westminster College admissions@westminster.cam.ac.uk
Westcott House admissions@westcott.cam.ac.uk


  1. Contact the member institution of your choice to discuss your interest with the Director of Studies; or contact the Director of the Professional Doctorate, Dr Andrew Todd, for a discussion with him.
  2. Complete the DProf form on ARU’s website or complete the MPhil/PhD form on ARU’s website.

Our degrees validated by Anglia Ruskin University are offered through the following six of our member institutions, as well as through the Federation itself in the case of the Professional Doctorate.

Institution Contact
CCCW director@cccw.cam.ac.uk
IOCS admissions@iocs.cam.ac.uk
Margaret Beaufort info@mbit.cam.ac.uk
Wesley House admissions@wesley.cam.ac.uk
Westfield House admissions@westfield.cam.ac.uk
Westminster College admissions@westminster.cam.ac.uk
Director of the Professional Doctorate dprof@theofed.cam.ac.uk

To apply for one of our PG Certificate, PG Diploma and MA programmes, please follow the links in the “apply” section on the page for the relevant MA –

Click here to download the application Form [MS Word]

Click here to download the admissions book review assignment [MS Word]

Click here to download the admissions criteria [MS Word]

  • Bachelor of Theology for Ministry
  • Diploma in Theology for Ministry
  1. Contact the member institution of your choice to discuss your interest with the Director of Studies.
  2. Email your application to the Director of Studies at your chosen member institution along with any supporting documents they request.
  3. You will be interviewed by the member institution following which your application will be submitted to the admissions team.
  4. We will confirm the admission team’s decision and, hopefully, make you an offer.

The BTh and DTM are offered through the following five of our member institutions.

Institution Contact
Margaret Beaufort info@mbit.cam.ac.uk
Ridley Hall academic-team@ridley.cam.ac.uk
Wesley House admissions@wesley.cam.ac.uk
Westcott House admissions@westcott.cam.ac.uk
Westfield House admissions@westfield.cam.ac.uk

Degrees validated by Durham University
Students wishing to transfer from one Common Awards course to another within the Federation or applicants wishing to transfer to a Common Awards course with the Federation from a course provided by another higher education provider can do so using Accreditation of Prior Learning. The entry requirements for each course are given on the information page for each course on this website and decisions will be made in accordance with the Federation’s Accreditation of Prior Learning policy which can be found at www.theofed.cam.ac.uk/policies


Degrees validated by Anglia Ruskin University
Students wishing to transfer from one Anglia Ruskin postgraduate taught (PGT) degree to another within the Federation or applicants wishing to transfer to a PGT degree with the Federation from a course provided by another higher education provider can do so using Accreditation of Prior Learning in accordance with Anglia Ruskin’s academic regulations which can be found on their website at https://web.anglia.ac.uk/anet/academic/academic_regulations.phtml

Students wishing to transfer to a postgraduate research (PGR) degree with Anglia Ruskin through the Federation from another higher education provider may be able to do so provided that they meet the admissions criteria for Anglia Ruskin PGR degrees, that suitable supervisors can be found and there is evidence that they have made sufficient progress to enable entry at the appropriate stage. Any transfers will be subject to Anglia Ruskin’s academic regulations and subject to suitable references from the current supervisory team.


Degrees validated by the University of Cambridge
Accreditation of Prior Learning is not available for entry to the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry (BTh) degree or the Diploma in Theology for Ministry (DTM).


APL definitions

  • APL is the generic term for the accreditation of prior learning, whether the result of a formal course or learning through experience.
  • APCL is APL based on certified (or certificated) learning – a formal course at another university or in another context.
  • APEL is APL based on experiential learning – learning achieved through experience, rather than on a formal course.