Degrees validated by Durham University
Students wishing to transfer from one Common Awards course to another within the Federation or applicants wishing to transfer to a Common Awards course with the Federation from a course provided by another higher education provider can do so using Accreditation of Prior Learning. The entry requirements for each course are given on the information page for each course on this website and decisions will be made in accordance with the Federation’s Accreditation of Prior Learning policy which can be found at
Degrees validated by Anglia Ruskin University
Students wishing to transfer from one Anglia Ruskin postgraduate taught (PGT) degree to another within the Federation or applicants wishing to transfer to a PGT degree with the Federation from a course provided by another higher education provider can do so using Accreditation of Prior Learning in accordance with Anglia Ruskin’s academic regulations which can be found on their website at
Students wishing to transfer to a postgraduate research (PGR) degree with Anglia Ruskin through the Federation from another higher education provider may be able to do so provided that they meet the admissions criteria for Anglia Ruskin PGR degrees, that suitable supervisors can be found and there is evidence that they have made sufficient progress to enable entry at the appropriate stage. Any transfers will be subject to Anglia Ruskin’s academic regulations and subject to suitable references from the current supervisory team.
Degrees validated by the University of Cambridge
Accreditation of Prior Learning is not available for entry to the Bachelor of Theology for Ministry (BTh) degree or the Diploma in Theology for Ministry (DTM).
APL definitions
- APL is the generic term for the accreditation of prior learning, whether the result of a formal course or learning through experience.
- APCL is APL based on certified (or certificated) learning – a formal course at another university or in another context.
- APEL is APL based on experiential learning – learning achieved through experience, rather than on a formal course.