25th February 2023, 2pm-3.30pm
Thinking about postgraduate study? Looking to develop your understanding and skills? In partnership with Anglia Ruskin University, the CTF offers a range of exciting postgraduate qualifications. This includes our 4 MA programmes in Contemporary Ethics, Christian Spirituality East & West, Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care, and Contemporary Faith and Belief in the Global Context, alongside the DProf and MPhil/PhD programmes. Sign up below to attend our online information day on Saturday 25th Feb (2.00-3.30pm) for information about our various programmes. You will hear from programme leaders about the content and practical application of their courses, have opportunity to talk to a current MA student about studying with the CTF, as well as to discuss practicalities such as modes of study and fees.
Programme –
- Introduction to CTF and general information about CTF-ARU partnership
- Presentations of the course information by MA Programme Leaders
- Presentation on postgraduate research programmes (MPhil/PhD and DProf)
- Presentation from current student about life on the ARU MAs
- Information about modes of study and fees
- General question and answer
All sessions are taking place on Zoom.
If you are interested in attending, please contact arudegrees@theofed.cam.ac.uk